Friday, 1 April 2011

Following on with a theme.

I was parent helper again at Louis' school. It was a lovely day as usual, but bloody exhausting. So, this will be a short one. Still have an essay to write tonight after I get his Highness to sleep.

Bit of background. The kid whose parent is the 'helper' for the day, is kind of the leader for the day. First in line, helps hands out the lunches etc. He, or she, also gets to pick what animal/thing they all pretend to be when they walk back into class after outside play. Most often it is a fairy for the girls and a train or some such shit for the boys.

So, Louis is standing at the front of the line. I am standing a fair way away packing up toys. I watch the teacher bend down and ask him what they are all going to be today. Then I see her ask him again, looking bemused. She then tells all the children.

I get to watch my son lead his entire class back into the classroom. And the whole lot of them, were being WINDSCREEN WIPERS!!!

I love it. I love him. I love that this happened on Autism Awareness Month Day One. YAY!


Big Daddy Autism said...

That. Is. Awesome. A class full of wipers prancing around the hallways.

Annicles said...

Hello, Mrs!
I gave you an award. Come over to my place to get it.

Noonie Trousers and Then Some said...

Weeeee! I am so excited! On my way!! Just going to do my hair first. Thank you!