Thursday, 31 March 2011

Salient detail

This afternoon, Louis and I were out the front. He was playing in a garden bed with his electric toothbrush (don't ask). I was cutting back the lavender.

A man ran past, out for a jog. A man wearing flourescent orange, lycra bike shorts and t-shirt. Worn, with flourescent orange shoes. I shit you not! I was literally open -mouthed stunned. To make matters worse, he was absolutely emaciated. He looked like a baggy-arsed, radioactive, carrot stick.

Louis: 'Wow, Mummy!"
Me: "No kidding honey" still staring at the man.
Louis: "He has a windscreen wiper on the back!"
Me: Huh! Wha? Turn to look at Louis.

Louis was looking at a station wagon driving up the street. It had a rear windscreen wiper. He simply did NOT see carrot man at all! Just goes to show how low down the totem pole humans are, no matter how colourful!

1 comment:

Big Daddy Autism said...

Doesn't everyone play with their electric toothbrushes in the garden? What else would you do with them.