As I have written before, Louis and hubs have a standing date for the local shopping centre on the weekends. They ride the escalators, check out the buses and trains from the perfectly positioned coffee shop and happily for me, they usually pick up a couple of grocery items that I have forgotten.
Anyway, this weekend hubs is in possession of a brand new mobile phone. He is in gadget heaven, as his last phone was a bit of a clunker. Louis is very impressed with this new phone. Hubs has let him ring me a couple of times from various places in the house. Interestingly, Louis imparts information not unlike a bull elephant seal in mating season. He is loud, grunty and repetitive. Ha! you didn't think I would leave things at meercat scrotums did you?
So off they go to the shopping centre. I am trying to lose myself in a law and ethics unit for Uni. The phone rings. Louis is yelling at me.
"YEP, THIS ONE IS COLD MUMMY", breathy grunt, the sound of running feet "YEP, SO IS THIS ONE", "THIS ONE IS COLD TOO MUMMY". Rinse and repeat.
Finally, hubs grabs the phone off him and explains that Louis is opening all the freezer doors in the supermarket to check that they are cold. Apparently he did not want me to miss out on this information.
None of this is particularly unusual for Louis. It is just him being happy. He tends to talk in caps lock when all is good with the world.
So, I was bemused when I heard the phone ring again just minutes later. It was hubs this time. He was giggling hysterically.
Louis had continued on with his opening all the doors and broadcasting updates to the coldness of each. Because Mummy wasn't available, he was addressing his comments at the top of his lungs to "HEY EVERYBODY". At one door though, Louis stopped. He opened it and stuck his head in three times. Each time, he would shut it with a perturbed look on his face. He quietly said "Daddy, this one is NOT cold".
Then he turned to face all the shoppers around him and yelled at the top of his voice "HEY EVERYONE!! THERE IS A FIRE IN HERE!!"
Jeez, I love this kid.
I am very familiar with the sounds made by a bull elephant seal. Although ours doesn't impart any useful information.
You know that the limits of free speech in the US stop at yelling "FIRE" in a crowded theater? He would get the chair over here for that.
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