Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Activate Windscreen wipers.

A fabulous combination of two favourite obsessions. Windscreen wipers and the Octonauts.

He is also making one of his new noises.

Wow! In this picture I can really see how big his head is compared with his body. Seriously! Does that look weird to anyone else?

Had a pain in the butt day. Had to wait for hours and then shelled out a fortune for a new car battery to be delivered and installed. Anyway, must finish cooking dinner.

Louis is already eating his gourmet repast of three carrot circles, one plain piece of bread and a yoghurt. Yummo!


Big Daddy Autism said...

Maybe you shouldn't keep the car battery in your butt. Would save on butt pain and battery replacement costs. Just sayin.

Noonie Trousers and Then Some said...

Ha Ha! I didn't understand what you mean't. I had to re-read the post. Shit job being the installer guy!

Lynn said...

As someone with a giant head, I am in no position to judge the cranial size of anyone else. We need to get the Octonauts over here so Audrey can get obsessed with them.