Monday, 24 January 2011

No pain no gain.

Ever had a blister from a tight shoe that has rubbed and popped until it is just red raw flesh?

Well imagine what I good mother I felt when I took L's shoes off today and ALL his toes were in this state. For some reason, shoes that fit last week don't this week.

L does not feel pain like us mere humans do. He acknowledged that his toes were red but said "Nah" when I asked him if they hurt. It is so weird. He was walking funny, but was not able to register the pain on an emotional level. Its like a disconnect between feeling pain and having an emotional reaction to it. Actually, now I think of it, there is a name for this. Hold tight while I google. Maybe alexithymia....maybe.

Anyhoo. It happens often with L. He has two dead front teeth from falling flat on his face on concrete. He gets the shock of the fall but not the actual pain. He had his jabs today too. Nothing. Not even a flinch as the needle went in. (Don't dare comment on autism and vaccination - you go your way and I will go mine).

Kinda funny that his parent's are pretty wimpy with pain. I am a martyr. Big D is the poster child for man flu victim.

Time to get to bed.

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