What a little patootie.
We had a lovely day today. A visit to Nanna and Grandpa. We played many games of "hiding and seek". L tells you where to hide and insists that you make a squeaking noise too.
It is quite funny because he hides by simply shutting his eyes or by putting a pillow over his head. When he is "found", he is very quick to declare "it is L R!!!" (his full name).
Because he was squeaking under the pillow (as per his rules) my mother said "Oh maybe there is a mouse in the room". L whipped off the pillow and said "actually it is L. R". Phew, lucky...thanks for setting us straight buddy!
Sweet little chicken.
This is so funny.
I am a Montessori teacher (which is a philosophy that beleives in showing respect for each child's development rather than judging them against a set of targets). There is a stroy that Montessori, who was a paediatrician, was watching a group of 3 nd 4 year olds playing hide and seek. For a long time they took it in turns to hide their eyes while the rest of the group went and hid, all together, behind the door. Dr Montessori sat and observed for a long time. Then other adults noticed and tried to teach the children to hide in different places. They felll apart, and the game finished unhappily because although the children called it hide and seek it was using their own rules and they were working out something quite different, that satisfied them.
Sounds rather like what L was doing!!!!
Very perceptive....I agree that is exactly what seems to be going on! I really like what I have read about Montessori method. Not much in the way of that kind of schooling in my area though. Shame.
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