Sunday, 5 June 2011

Grumpy Old Troll

My cranky old bitch level is right up there tonight. I feel all prickly and frustrated. I really am the dream wife, you know?

Trying to keep it all in. Pushed down into that tight, seething ball in the pit of my guts.

We got back a little while ago from my brother's place. Unfortunately, Louis was less than pleasant in the social niceties stakes this afternoon. Feeling the way I do right now, I can't really blame him. Thing is, Louis probably tries a lot harder than I do to keep his equilibrium.

He is just having an off day. He has had five accidents of the liquid variety today. He just doesn't seem to have felt the urge - until too late. He was biting his fingers a lot, once we were at his cousin's house and was not able to speak for a while. He wanted to keep his tight beanie on his head for the majority of the visit too.

I organised some outside running around, to ease his stress, which worked well. My family are the greatest, but they do tend to LOOK at Louis a lot, mainly because they desperately want to ease his discomfort and are always watching him for signs of distress. So, outside running around was a pretty good relaxer for a while.

I started to wind things up and we all went back inside. Louis was quite short with his cousin, who wanted to play WITH him. There were a few instances of bellowing "NO, I DON'T WANT TO", "I DON'T WANT TO PLAY" and just plain old "I SAID NO!" Each time he was made to apologise quickly and we all moved on.

However, I was glad to get out of there tonight. Some days autism and social stuff, just aren't going to mix, no matter how we may try.

We drove home listening to a compilation CD of dinosaur songs. It was when my husband pointed out that swearing under my breath repeatedly when they sung about the 'mighty brontosaurus'*, that I realised ONCE AGAIN, that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

* It is NOT a brontosaurus. There is NO SUCH THING as a brontosaurus. It is an Apatosaurus.

Anyhoo, I am off. In every which way.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Grumpy old troll is my status quo these days. Either that or, like you, I'm coming down with a bad case of Tourette's with that swearing under the breath move.