I just left Louis' bedroom after putting him to sleep. He just had his second meltdown of the day about not wanting to go to prechool.
It is impossible for him to explain why he doesn't want to go. I can't really suggest reasons, hoping to act as a catalyst for him to talk, because he just echos what I say.
I am pretty sure the problem is that his little playmate is away this week. This is the only kid that Louis plays with at preschool. He has been nominated as the "friend". I have written before about Louis' firm belief that he can only have one friend at a time.
The thing is, I think Louis being upset has nothing really to do with the actual kid, it is because his entire predictable preschool experience has been disrupted. Louis knew HOW to play with this friend. They have been solely each other's company at preschool since September last year. He NEVER sees this kid outside of school. He NEVER pines for this kid outside of school. He has loads of other kids outside of school that he has playdates with and he loves playing with them. I think that he does that compartmentalising thing. This kid for preschool, this kid for out of school etc etc.
Anyway, it is heartbreaking. I had an inkling that he may have a reaction, so I organised to be parent helper tomorrow. Hey hey!! Autism kid foresight....nice one. Last thing he asked before he sobbed himself to sleep was "could you carry me all day tomorrow?" cue heartbreak right here.
Oh baby, I will carry you every moment until you can walk on your own.
If anyone has any idea on how to help in this situation, I am open to suggestions.
This is a tough one. I'd go and watch things really carefully and see if there is another kid that can be 'back up' when the other friend is out of town or sick. That and see how he does at school. I loved being a helper so I could spy on my son. Sigh, this one isn't easy, is it?
I have no solutions but I can relate. I get upset when my little Playmate leaves. It's usually my wife that makes her go away. The Mrs. doesn't like Playmates as much as I do.
I wish there was an easy answer, but I think it's good you'll be there helping out so you can observe. The rigidity and compartmentalizing things is really hard to handle. Hang in there!
@ Flannery and Lizbeth -Thanks guys. He was a bit fragile but it ended up an okay kind of day. He just needs so much assistance at this point with social stuff, even as far as we have come.
@BD - you are a goose!
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