Howdy folks. I am back again. Maybe only sporadically for the next couple of weeks though. Big time assignments and exams coming up.
I wanted to make good my threat however, to review Big Daddy's book.
I read the book in two sittings. I was really impressed. You see, I own at least forty memoirs, biographies, compilations relating to autism. Yes, obsession is a hobby of mine.
Big Daddy has written the ONLY book that I have read, that has the perfect balance of gritty honesty, outrageous humour and touching poignancy. And outrageous humour....did I mention that?
I have read all of Big Daddy's posts. Each day, I feel as though I walk through the door of his house and sit down to enjoy the show. I have a deep respect for his wife, I simply adore his autistic son Griffin and I am proud of the young lady that Lil Sis is becoming. Big Daddy, seems kinda cool too. Bit obsessed with his own moobs, but hey different strokes and all.
I wouldn't know these people, if I passed them on the street; which is unlikely considering the oppositie hemispheric locations we reside in. And yet, I really care about them. I look forward to hearing what is going on in their lives. I relate to them and when I read Big Daddy's blog, I feel part of a community. Something bigger than myself. That is a nice place to be able to go, when my own life raising and child with autism gets difficult.
Big Daddy's book, is all this and more. I can only liken it to how my son felt when, after watching months worth of Thomas episodes, he discovered there was a feature length movie. Yeah, that good.
He has written a book, that like his blog, celebrates the hysterically funny and often surreal moments that living with a child with autism brings. I respect his ability to appeal to such a vast array of us residing in the autism community. He has been able to do this, without buying into any politics that surrounds autism. He has shown through example that acceptance and respect is a destination that we all should reach for, no matter which side of the autism debate we are on.
The essays interspersed throughout the book are written by some brilliant online writers of autism. It was delightful to recognise each 'voice' and be taken by the hand to experience a little more deeply their experiences with autism.
My husband is currently reading Big Daddy's book. I can hear him laughing out loud, from rooms away.
Oh and Lynn, you start the book with a comment about squirting your pants and bookend it with a statment comparing Italy to a sleazy slut. Girl, you are a legend!
You done good Big Daddy.
Aw shucks!!
What an awesome review. I could not agree more. Especially the part about me being a legend.
You are about to get a nagging reminder from me about contributing to the compilation...the due date is 2 weeks from today, but I can absolutely stretch that for you if the timing is awful...which it sounds like it is. You are going to be in it one way or another!
Thanks girl!
Nice review. Though Griffin clearly steals the show, I think the guest authors really bring the whole thing together.
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